About Us

This project is curated by 7 students from FLAME University, Pune. We decided to undertake this as part of our Literary and Cultural studies course.

As frequently bored college students, we had a fascination with looking at doodles decorating the notebooks around us. So, why not create a digital archive of all the doodles we can find, for everyone to see? Once we had collected a chunk of them, we saw that they were more than just scribbles on a page. Patterns, symbols, messages, and emotions jumped out at us. What if doodles mean something more?

This project aims to memorialize doodles by putting them out there for the world to see and interpret. Maybe doodles have stories they’re hiding. Help us find them by “reading” these doodles and putting your thoughts into the comments section.


Meet the Team

rhea doodle
Rhea Nath
shimul doodle
Shimul Bijoor
rishabh doodle
Rishab Shankar
disha doodle
Disha Manocha


swayam doodle
Swayam Parekh


bags doodle
Bageshri Savyasachi
vaish doodle
Vaishnavi Rai